La Familia Rodriguez Floripondio GESHA - NATURAL Bolivia
La Familia Rodriguez Floripondio GESHA - NATURAL Bolivia

This natural Gesha is intensely fruit forward, while maintaining a delicate florality and citrus-like acidity throughout its beautifully clean profile.




Samaipata, Santa Cruz


1,710 masl


June, 2019


Hand picked at a Brix level of 25. Dried on raised beds for 25 days.


Floripondio is one of the newer projects of the Rodriguez Family. Although it is located in a region that is not known for coffee production, they feel the altitude as well as the unique tropical climate allows for a wider temperature variance and creates ideal conditions for experimenting with coffee varieties. To date, they have planted over 50 different varieties, and have the most diverse coffee nursery we have ever seen. However, as this is a very young project, many of the varieties are not producing an exportable amount of coffee as of yet. We very much look forward to tasting each of them as they mature in the coming years.


Gesha was originally collected from coffee forests of Ethiopia in the 1930’s. From there, it was sent to the Lyamungo Research Station in Tanzania, and then brought to Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Central America in the 1953, where it was logged as accession T2722. There remains significant confusion about Gesha because there are multiple genetically distinct plant types that have been referred to as Geisha; many of which share similar geographic origins in Ethiopia. Recent genetic diversity analyses conducted by World Coffee Research confirm that the Panamanian Gesha descendent from T2722 is distinct and uniform. The Gesha variety is associated with extremely high cup quality when the plants are managed well at high altitude, and is known for its delicate floral, jasmine, and peach-like aromas.

Pricing Details

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The cost of getting a coffee from cherry to beverage varies enormously depending on its place of origin and the location of its consumption. The inclusion of price transparency is a starting point to inform broader conversation around the true costs of production and the sustainability of specialty coffee as a whole.