La Plata Field Blend - Washed Colombia
La Plata Field Blend - Washed Colombia

This is a field blend of 16 ambitious smallholding producers in La Plata, Huila, southern Colombia. This coffee is a lovely overall representation of this region. It has excellent structure and balance, with a chocolate/toffee-like sweetness that subtly gives way to a softer raspberry acidity to give it a touch of brightness and life.


V. Colombia, Castillo, Caturra




1,700 masl


July, 2019


Harvested at peak ripeness. Floated. Depulped. Dry fermented for 18-24 hours. Dried on raised beds for 15-20 days.


This is a meticulously constructed field blend of multiple producers that don't individually grow enough coffee to be considered a micro lot. We therefore blend their coffees together to create a larger volume that remains fully traceable and transparent both physically and financially. While the vast majority of our coffee selections are either single-producer micro lots or what are referred to as 'regional blends', the producers contributing to this blend are all fully organic or in the process of transitioning to fully organic, and we are very excited about our first year supporting this initiative. This field blend is comprised of the three most commonly grown varieties in Colombia: Castillo, Variety Colombia, and Caturra. Both Castillo and V. Colombia are Catimor hybrids, which give them high resistance to disease. Caturra is a natural mutation of Bourbon, which is very susceptible to disease.

Pricing Details

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The cost of getting a coffee from cherry to beverage varies enormously depending on its place of origin and the location of its consumption. The inclusion of price transparency is a starting point to inform broader conversation around the true costs of production and the sustainability of specialty coffee as a whole.