Otoniel Hoyos & Arnuby Chavez LA MURALLA TABI - WASHED Colombia
Otoniel Hoyos & Arnuby Chavez LA MURALLA TABI - WASHED Colombia

This is a 100% Tabi lot that we put together from two neighboring producers. Tabi is one of the most exciting hybrid/resistant varieties because of its remarkable potential for cup quality. In the cup we find a very fruit-forward profile of strawberry jam, clementine, and peach.




San Agustín, Huila


1,900 masl


February, 2022


Hand picked at peak ripeness. Floated to further remove defects and depulped on the day of harvest. Dry fermented in tile for 24 hours. Dried on raised beds until moisture content reaches ~10.5%.


This is a 100% Tabi separation from two neighboring producers. Generally coffee is bought, sold, and exported by deciding when and if to blend lots or keep them separate for a variety of reasons: quality and point score, marketing strategy, 'creating’ certain 'flavor profiles’, or simply for the fun or creative process of keeping a very small lot from an extremely isolated hill separated. At SEY, we are interested primarily in coffee in clean representations of variety and terroir, which is why we almost exclusively work with single-producer, variety-separated micro lots. However, in cases such as this—where a decision must be made—we find it more interesting to keep the variety pure by blending multiple producers’ variety separations rather than blending all of the varieties from a single producer’s harvest. This is considered a 'blended micro lot’, and is a very good representation of the Tabi variety grown in one of the most iconic Colombian terroirs: La Muralla, San Agustín.


Tabi is a newer hybrid to the scene, having been developed in 2002. It is a cross between Bourbon, Typica, and Timor Hybrid. Tabi was developed as a part of the research to develop a variety that is disease resistant while maintaining good cup quality. Over the last few years this has become our favorite hybrid variety because it provides producers with an excellent disease-resistant choice while also having a very high cup quality potential.

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The cost of getting a coffee from cherry to beverage varies enormously depending on its place of origin and the location of its consumption. The inclusion of price transparency is a starting point to inform broader conversation around the true costs of production and the sustainability of specialty coffee as a whole.