Sandra Jurado El Roble; Mitaca Harvest FIELD BLEND - WASHED Colombia
Sandra Jurado El Roble; Mitaca Harvest FIELD BLEND - WASHED Colombia

This Mitaca selection comes from the 3rd place winner of the 2020 Acevedo Cup: Sandra Jurado. The lot is a stunning example of the profile we know and love from La Marimba. In the cup we find tropical mango, watermelon, with a sparkling, champagne-like finish.


Colombia, Castillo


La Marimba, Acevedo, Huila


1,750 masl


Mitaca; December, 2020


Hand picked at peak ripeness. Floated to further remove defects. Held in cherry for 30 hours. Depulped. Dry fermented for 40 hours. Dried on raised beds for 14 days.


Sandra Jurado is a fantastic coffee producer, continually placing in the top 10 of the Acevedo Cup. Most recently, in 2020, her coffees placed third. Sandra has a very small farm of just 3 hectares (~7.5 acres). For only growing the two main hybrid varieties found in Colombia, the cup quality is excellent. Because traveling to origin is nearly impossible at present, we have had to do all of our sourcing through mailing samples and electronic correspondence. We look forward to returning to Colombia in person to learn more about Sandra and her farm.


This is a field blend of the two most commonly grown varieties in Colombia: Castillo and Variety Colombia. Both Castillo and V. Colombia are Catimor hybrids, which give them high disease resistance. These hybrids were specifically developed to combat the devastating disease of leaf rust, while also producing high yields and attempting to maintain as much cup quality as possible. In our experience it is true that hybrids do not have the same cup quality potential as the more heirloom-type varieties, producers have really started improving their growing and processing techniques, and we are starting to see some extremely beautiful coffees coming from these hybrid varieties.


In Colombia there are two coffee harvest cycles each year: the main harvest, and a second—generally, but not always, smaller—second harvest called the Mitaca. Given the vast seasonal differences in microclimate, these harvests vary widely even within the same region. Because seasonality is an important part of our approach to coffee, we will begin differentiating these harvests for greater traceability and transparency.

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The cost of getting a coffee from cherry to beverage varies enormously depending on its place of origin and the location of its consumption. The inclusion of price transparency is a starting point to inform broader conversation around the true costs of production and the sustainability of specialty coffee as a whole.